The Portrait Sessions that Finished 2019

March 29, 2020

At the end of November, this lovely family came to the mountains for a vacation and decided to have family portraits during their stay. The day of the session, it was COLD. So, this session didn’t last very long because it was the kind of cold that made everyone uncomfortable – and this adorable boy was freezing. However, even with the cold and shortened session, we managed to make it work!




Just a couple days later, another family was visiting the area and it was a large, extended family get-together. Those are the BEST times to get family portraits! I mean, look at those grandkids!


family portraits grandkids banner elk


In December, this fun family came for a Christmas get-away near Blowing Rock. They wanted Christmas pajama portraits – I LOVED it!


christmas pajamas family portraits blowing rock


fun Christmas portraits in blowing rock


A few days later, two additional families were having get-together with their extended family members and wanted portraits. It was a busy Christmas season!


christmas portraits banner elk nc


Christmas portraits in banner elk grandchildren


Now this family had quite the festive decor for their Christmas get-away in the mountains. We did portraits, pajama portraits, photos of the kids doing activities, and more. It was an extended portrait session that lasted a couple hours to make sure they got everything they needed.


Christmas vacation family portraits sugar grove nc


Christmas table setting


Christmas vacation family portraits


Christmas vacation hot cocoa family photography sugar grove nc


Christmas vacation family portraits pajamas sugar grove nc


Christmas vacation pajama family portraits sugar grove nc


Jean Moree Photography is no longer open for business. If you are looking for a photographer in the High Country of North Carolina, I highly recommend Jaime Johnson Photography!